Horrific Earthquake in Delhi
Horrific Earthquake in Delhi
Delhi Experienced Strong Tremors
Delhi Experienced Strong Tremors
from the 6.3 magnitude Earthquake in Nepal Today
from the 6.3 magnitude Earthquake in Nepal Today
Then There was the Horrific Nepal Quake.
Then There was the Horrific Nepal Quake.
Haiti Experienced a 7.2 Magnitude Earthquake in 2021 THAT aFFECTED 650,000 People.
Haiti Experienced a 7.2 Magnitude Earthquake in 2021 THAT aFFECTED 650,000 People.
At Around 2 AM Today, Nov 9
At Around 2 AM Today, Nov 9
People in Delhi were woken up by strong Earthquake
People in Delhi were woken up by strong Earthquake
As Delhi feels the effect of Nepal's earthquake
As Delhi feels the effect of Nepal's earthquake
Many in Delhi also felt the effects of the earthquake
Many in Delhi also felt the effects of the earthquake
Fortunately, no serious damage has been reported and the likelihood of fatalities is low as per USGS
Fortunately, no serious damage has been reported and the likelihood of fatalities is low as per USGS