10 Most Expensive Necklaces Ever Sold
10. Zsa Zsa Gabor’s Diamond Necklace
Estimated Value: $1.5 million
9. The Star Ruby and Diamond Necklace Estimated Value: HKD 20,525,000 (about $2.6 million USD)
8. The Chrysler Diamond Pendant Estimated Value: $5 million
7. Red Scarlet by James W. Currens
Estimated Value: HKD 39,860,000 (about $5.1 million USD)
6. Leviev Yellow Diamond Pendant Estimated Value: $10 million
5. The Peacock Necklace Estimated Value: $14.9 million
4. The Heart of the Ocean Estimated Value: $20 million
3. Barbara Hutton’s Necklace Estimated Value: $27.4 million
2. L’Incomparable Estimated Value: $55 million
1. A Heritage in Bloom Estimated Value: $200 million